Found this today, not sure how widely it has been distributed in past. Anyway, it's awesome. Try it on if you've not before:Is it 12 or 13? Wait until the group changes position
In the "13" configuration each person is missing a very small slice of themselves which has been shuffled around to make up a new person.This can most plainly be seen by the fellow on the left who's missing the top of his head and the fellow 6th from the left whose shoes aren't quite as bulky as they should be (when in the 13 configuration)
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圖的上、下半部各有 12 個構成人形的圖案,在 12 人的圖中,這 12 組圖案都各自配對到,也就是說每一個人在圖的上下半部都分到了「頭」和「腳」;但在 13 人的圖中,有一人沒有佔到上半部,一人沒有佔到下半部,所以多了一人。